Tuesday, 22 January 2013

HMV goes in to administration

The Gramophone Company, based in the United Kingdom, was one of the early recording companies, and was the parent organization for the famous "His Master's Voice" (HMV) label. Although the company was merged with another in 1931 to form Electric and Musical Industries Limited (EMI), the company title as "The Gramophone Company Limited" continued in use in the UK into the 1970s

Going in to HMV today was a sad experience. Even though I contributed to their downfall by not buying physical copies of music any more, being lazy and using itunes, they refused to evolve and paid the price. They were playing old school classics and walking around the store knowing it was about to die sucked. 

Gonna miss not being able to walk around HMV looking for something specific and not being able to find it. Either way i got 12 DVDs for £17 so can't complain

Evolve or Die



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