Thursday, 14 March 2013

Car2Go London x Graff Workshop - Graffiti Car

A little while ago, I was half way through a job in London, painting graffiti balloons for a Bar you do. After a long day and over 100 balloons later I had finished, and was preparing to make a move and go check out a guys bar which he wanted painting, before heading home to Bristol.

Before going I checked my emails and there was one saying they needed a car painting, and they needed it done to display for some sort of launch in two days. What was really being said was 'I need this done now'.

So I gave the guy a call, and it turned out he was from Mercedes, and he wanted a graffiti car painted for a launch of a new Smart Car concept - Car2Go

So I made arrangements, cancelled my return to Bristol and stuck around the Berkshire area for another day. Next day I was in a car park in Surrey, which had two floors of these car2go smart cars. All I had to do was pick one with alloys...and that hadn't been rained on, and get going.

Anyway this was a while back but I have just seen them post our graffiti cars on their Facebook page again as they use them as promo at UEL. Here is a photo from their day