I wouldn't usually write a post about a workshop but today was such a good day I think it is worthy of comment. I did a workshop for
Mencap in outer London, with a group of ten young people aged 18-24, working on canvases, using stencils and pens. First of all, a bit about Mencap from their website:
"We work in partnership with people with a learning disability, and all our services support people to live life as they choose. Mencap is the leading voice of learning disability. Everything we do is about valuing and supporting people with a learning disability, and their families and carers."
The workshop was good for a number of reasons. First of all it was a great group of young people, all of whom were really excited to do the workshop and did great work during the session.
Secondly, we had a 4 hour time period to do the workshop, and only planned on going for three hours, but in the end used the full 4 hours as the group took their time getting their stencils done, and were all eager to enhance their designs at the end using markers. So there was no rush to finish early and no hanging around either, so an ideal workshop.
And lastly there was no traffic and I got fed ;)
At the end of the workshop, one of the mums came up to me and commented on how good her sons canvas was (which it was, it was one of the best, I will add a photo at the bottom of this post), and more suprisingly, that he doesn't like art, and dislikes it when he does it at school.
One of the ladies from Mencap also commented at the end of the session, that the group usually struggles to stay engaged for long periods of time and that she was really impressed that they were fully concentrated for the full 4 hours.
The second piece of feedback is something I hear quite a lot when working with SEN groups as well as young offenders. I have always known Graffiti Workshops are great for group engagement for any group of young people, and hearing this feedback again and again really backs this up.
SEN Graffiti Workshops are something I am very passionate about, and I am sure I will write more on them soon. Till then...